Terms and Conditions
Knipping party rental v.o.f. trading under the names Partyverhuren.nl, taphuren.com and knippingsound
Artikel 1 Definitions
1.1. In these general rental and delivery conditions the following definitions apply: Agreement(s): the agreement(s) concluded between Customer and Supplier regarding purchase, rental and/or services. Supplier: Knipping party rental v.o.f., Chamber of Commerce 67601456 Customer: the natural person or legal entity who places an order with the Supplier regarding the rental of goods and/or other services, which order is accepted by the Supplier. Parties: Supplier and Customer. Rented property: the objects mentioned in the (purchase, rental and/or service) agreement. Rental conditions: the present general rental and delivery conditions of the Supplier.
Artikel 2 Applicability
2.1. These General Terms and Conditions apply to all offers (quotes) from the Supplier and to all Agreements indicated by the Supplier.
2.2. These Rental Conditions apply to the exclusion of any general terms and conditions of the Customer. The Supplier hereby expressly rejects the applicability of the general terms and conditions used by the Customer. Any other provision in any general terms and conditions of the Customer does not affect the foregoing.
2.3. If there is a contractual deviation from the present Rental Conditions, the contractual agreements between the Parties take precedence over these Rental Conditions, provided that these contractual agreements have been confirmed by the Supplier in writing or by email. In all other cases, these Rental Conditions prevail. The Customer cannot rely on deviations previously agreed between the Parties in a contractual relationship.
2.4. The Supplier reserves the right to change the Rental Conditions at any time without prior notice. The changes will be communicated to the Customer in writing or electronically, after which these changes will take effect after 14 days.
2.5. In the event of any discrepancies between the Dutch text of these Rental Conditions and their translation into another language, the Dutch text will be binding.
2.6. The Customer who has once been contracted under these conditions agrees to the applicability of the Supplier's Rental Conditions to subsequent Agreements between it and the Supplier.
Artikel 3 Establishment of Agreement
3.1. All quotations are without obligation, unless the quotation expressly states otherwise. The Supplier is entitled to revoke a non-binding quotation within 3 working days after acceptance of this quotation by the Customer.
3.2. All quotations are based on the information provided by the Customer. If it is found to be incorrect or incomplete, the Customer cannot derive any rights against the Supplier from an (accepted) quotation.
3.3. The Supplier cannot be held to its quotation if the Customer can reasonably understand that the quotation, or part thereof, contains an obvious mistake or typo.
3.4. Agreements with Supplier's employees do not bind the Supplier unless they have been confirmed in writing on behalf of the Supplier.
3.5. A composite quotation does not oblige the Supplier to carry out part of the order for a corresponding part of the stated price. Quotations also do not automatically apply to future orders.
3.6. If the Supplier makes an offer which is accepted by the Customer, the Supplier has the right to revoke this offer within three working days after notification of the Customer's acceptance.
3.7. An Agreement is only concluded if and insofar as the Supplier has sent an order confirmation or has concluded an Agreement with the Customer. The Agreement is deemed to have been concluded at the time when the order confirmation has been sent by the Supplier or the Agreement has been signed by the Customer. The Supplier has the right, without giving reasons, not to accept orders or orders or not to accept them subject to further conditions.
3.8. Changes to a written Agreement can only be made by written confirmation from the Supplier.
3.9. If the Items rented by the Customer are temporarily or permanently no longer available for whatever reason, the Supplier reserves the
right to make items of minor deviation or similar available to the Customer. This does not constitute grounds for dissolution of the Agreement.
Artikel 4 Cancellation Agreement
4.1. In the event of cancellation of (part of) an agreement that has been concluded, the Customer owes the Supplier the following compensation: Working days until delivery
Same day to 7 days 100%
7-14 days 75%
14-28 days 50%
28+ days 10%
4.2. The cancellation of an event, for whatever reason, does not entitle the Customer to a discount or cancellation without the aforementioned cancellation costs.
Artikel 5 Renting Period
5.1. The rental period commences on the date and time as agreed and more specifically:
5.1.1. If it has been stipulated that the Customer will collect the Rented Item at an agreed location: at the time when the Rented Item is handed over
to the Customer by the Supplier;
5.1.2. If it has been stipulated that the Supplier will take care of the delivery of the Rented Item: at the time at which the Supplier has made the Rented Item available at the agreed location.
5.2. The rental period ends:
5.2.1. upon expiry of the agreed rental period. Customer is obliged to return the Rented Item to Supplier at the end of the rental period. For every day that the Customer fails to return the Rented Item to the Supplier or the
If you have the Supplier pick it up and move it to a later time, a fine will be charged equal to 25% of the total rental sum plus the amount of rent due for that day. A
part of a day applies
like a full day;
5.2.2. oat the moment that the Supplier returns and takes receipt of the Rented Item at the agreed location at the request of the Customer.
Article 6 Delivery, returns and risk
6.1. Although the specified delivery times will be observed by the Supplier as much as possible, these are only approximations and do not bind the Supplier. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the specified delivery period can never be regarded as a fatal term.
6.2. Only after exceeding the deadline (agreed in accordance with Article 6.1 or set in accordance with Article 6.2) is the Customer entitled to terminate the Agreement. The supplier is under no circumstances obliged to pay any compensation.
6.3. Delivery and collection of the Rented Item at the Customer's location must take place - unless the Parties have agreed otherwise - on the ground floor directly behind the first threshold or entrance to the location at a free loading or unloading location,
without stairs or obstacles. The Customer guarantees that this location is easily accessible to the Supplier on the agreed dates for delivery and return and that someone is present to receive the item.
taking or returning the Rented Item.
Indien bij de levering niemand aanwezig is, heeft Leverancier het recht om het Gehuurde mee terug te nemen. De Klant zal alsdan toch de transportkosten verschuldigd zijn. Alle ingezette Goederen (emballage) blijven op de locatie gedurende de huurperiode.
Bij retour van alle gehuurde en ingezette goederen controleert de chauffeur op locatie eventuele gebreken, manco en schade. Deze controle wordt volledig en bindend na tweede controle in het magazijn van Leverancier (6.10). Indien op locatie door chauffeur
of medewerker gebreken, manco of schade wordt geconstateerd dan informeert de chauffeur of
medewerker de Klant hierover.
6.4. De aflever- c.q. ophaallocatie dient voorzien te zijn van een verharde ondergrond (asfalt, bestrating of rijplaten). Dit geldt tevens voor de toegang tot de laad/los locatie. Klant dient zorg te dragen voor een goede bereikbaarheid voor alle transportmiddelen van Leverancier, dat wil zeggen een vrije doorgang voor deze transportmiddelen van 4 meter breed en 4 meter hoog. Indien bij levering of retour blijkt dat de locatie niet of slecht bereikbaar is, zijn alle daaruit voortkomende kosten voor rekening en risico van Klant. De afstand tussen de aflever- of ophaallocatie en het transportmiddel mag maximaal 15 meter bedragen en dient verhard en begaanbaar te zijn voor rolcontainers en mobiele apparatuur.